Today there is increasing focus on reducing harmful substances in groundwater and drinking water supplies, and in soil source sites. Such sites where recently-coined “forever chemicals” are abundant are increasingly targeted for remediation as more information comes to light about the detrimental effects of these pollutants on human health. Today, industry professionals seek new ways to destroy PFAS and other contaminants where possible and eliminate/reduce leachability where destruction isn’t an option.
Founded in the Pacific Northwest in 2019, YB Technologies, LLC (YBT) provides innovative ways to meet these remedial challenges. We manufacture and deliver equipment, systems, and technologies for processing and treating complex problematic waste and materials—particularly those containing PFAS and other organic compounds, heavy metals, and acidity—using electricity-based and highly effective reagent systems. As a manufacturer and field applications provider, YBT offers equipment rental/leasing, technical support and training, full-scale in-field technology implementation and operation services, and sub-licensing.
Our founder has four decades of expertise in the Environmental Remediation industry; read about Karl Yost here.
OUR MISSION: YBT provides high quality, low-impact, technology-based treatment equipment, systems, and services to clients and service providers seeking to break the PFAS cycle—by destroying the compounds in granular activated carbon or fluids or preventing leachability from soils and solids—or halt acid mine drainage.
OUR VISION: YBT shall be a leader in providing technology and services that bring renewed health to the nation’s water, food chains, and environment. Breakthrough innovations coupled with best-in-class existing processes will assist clients across the country break the PFAS cycle and mitigate acidity and heavy metal migration from manufacturing facilities, abandoned/legacy and active mines, landfills, airports, military installations, and other contaminated sites.
YBT serves stakeholder project owners, engineering/consulting firms, contractors, treatment service providers, facility operators and regulatory/property management agencies. We partner with clients who seek to break the PFAS cycle and halt the release of acidity and heavy metals from mines. While we work within the traditional environmental remediation field, the nature of our equipment, systems, and solutions—focusing on ubiquitous PFAS, for example— also enables us to pursue relationships across a broad range of industries and business sectors.